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Power Gear Slide Out Control Relay Module Fleetwood #246063 Lippert USE #368859

Power Gear Slide out control module #140-1130


Power Gear Slide out control module #140-1130

Use Lippert Part number is #368859

Replaces part# 14-1096 you have to rewire the wall switch to be 12VDC switched instead of ground switched.

  • Positive activated to the switch.
  • Wiring Harness is part# 171-141138
  • If using 15 AMP Circuit Breaker part# 171-141090, use 20 AMP Slo Blo Fuse part# 171-141124
  • If using 20 AMP Circuit Breaker part# 171-141089, use 25 AMP Slo Blo Fuse part# 171-141134

Fleetwood part number #246063

Lippert Part number is 368859

Power Gear Electric slide-out System Operations and Service Manual

This circuit board replaces Power Gear circuit board model numbers 14-1130, 14-1098 and 14-1086. The same fuse and breaker that is on the old board may be used on the new 140-1130.

The 140-1130 controller will need the center wire on the wall switch to be a 12VDC (positive trigger) which on some models of controllers such as the 14-1098 are ground trigger. You may also elect to include a new 326 series 25 amp slow blow fuse (P# 14-1134) or 20 amp slow blow fuse (P# 14-1124) and or 20 amp breaker (P#14-1089) or 15 amp breaker (P#14-1090) from the option box above.


Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 4 in

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