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Atwood Burner Box Assembly 33647

Atwood Mobile Products Furnace Repair Parts


Atwood Burner Box Assembly 33647

This part is no longer available

Replacement furnace burner box assembly.


8516-III 8520-III 8525-III 8531-III 8535-III

Warranty Terms: 2 Years

The Excalibur 8900 III series furnaces have mass appeal for manufacturers, service technicians, and owners alike. The compact size, especially its low profile requiring only 9 1/8″ (232 mm) of vertical space, provides greater flexibility in furnace location, which increases valuable storage space, provides better floor plan flexibility and optimum furnace/ducting location.

Ease of Installation – The compact size, low profile, and lightweight construction enhance space utilization possibilities and furnace placement flexibility.

Multiple Duct Outlet – The 8900 series offers the standardization of one compact framing dimension, which allows the option of installing either a 35,000 or 40,000 BTU furnace. It also offers six different side duct outlets and a bottom discharge outlet providing even greater installation flexibility and the freedom to design more efficient ducting systems.

Serviceability – Due to the superior design features and Exterior Access Door of the 8900 and 8500, all controls and crucial components are easily accessible from outside the vehicle, which eliminates the need to remove the furnace. These features include external wiring connector and the external circuit breaker. In addition, unlike competitive units, there is no carbon buildup maintenance required.

Unique Vent Design – The 8900 and 8500 series incorporate a unique outside vent design integral with the access door, which eliminates the need for a variety of vent kits. The Atwood Burner Box Assembly 33647 is an integral part of the older atwood furnaces.


Additional information

Weight 0.5 lbs


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