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Intellitec Board For Bcc Diesel #73-00861-000


Intellitec BCC Board


Intellitec Board BCC Diesel #73-00861-000

Intellitec Board for RV Battery Control Center Diesel part # 73-00861-000

The subject of DC Power management and battery run down protection are probably more important to special vehicle builders and indeed operators than ever before. New anti idle laws and increasing vehicle specifications dictate that very careful thought needs to be given to the systems used to manage DC power in the manufacture of special vehicles. The Intellitec Board BCC Diesel #73-00861-000 is part of the program brought to you by Intellitec to help balance and manage DC power on your vehicle.

Intellitec were the first company in the world to design an effective battery run down protection system, that was nearly 23 years ago and since those early days we have sold many millions of such products and systems across the world. Intellitec took the decision long ago to design our own range of latching and non latching relays and battery disconnects. These rugged and extremely reliable battery disconnects and relays are at the heart of many of our products and systems.

For over ten years Intellitec have been designing and manufacturing Battery Control Centres for the special vehicle and marine market OEM`s companies like Monaco, Fleetwood, Winnebago, to name a few use our control centres in there vehicle production.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs

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