Intellitec Cargo Light Control Kit 12v 00-00712-130
Cargo Light Control is designed to control the box lights on service vehicles with health and safety of the operators in mind. It is easy to install, provides multi-point switching and uses momentary switches in parallel to turn the lights on and off. In addition to this convenient on/off function, the CLC offers battery rundown protection from the lights being accidentally left on. If the lights are left on for more than twenty minutes, CLC will flash the lights at a rate of six to ten times per minute alerting the driver of an impending shut off. After one minute, the lights will automatically be turned off, preventing further run down of the battery. If the driver wants to keep the lights on, he simply turns CLC on again, allowing another twenty minutes of use. CLC also includes low battery indication. If the battery voltage falls below 12 volts for a period of two minutes while the lights are on, the lights will blink six to ten times per minute and then shut off. The is a water proof module, suitable for harsh environments. The electrical connections are made with a Packard Weather pack connector. CLC is activated by a momentary switch connected to ground.
Intellitec’s Cargo Light Control operates as a multi-point
controller by sensing the voltage on the Switch input line.
When this voltage drops to zero, as would occur by a
momentary switch to ground, the system changes the state
of the light either to on or off. This allows as many switches
as desired to be used on the system with simple “one wire”
and ground connections.
In addition to the multi-point control, the unit includes a timer
to automatically shut off the lights in the event the driver
forgets. The timer begins its cycle when the lights are turned
on. At the end of a twenty minute period, a second timer
begins to blink the light six to ten times, alerting the driver
the lights are about to go off. If the battery is low ( <12V ),
the twenty minute timer is shortened to two minutes. This
will alert the driver of the low battery and prevent the lights
from further discharging the battery