Intellitec PMC Lamp Dimmer Control Module 00-00937-516
The PMC Output Modules 00-00937 are members of
Intellitec’s Programmable Multiplex Control family as well
as the 160 Channel Multipoint Switching System. They
work in combination with the PMC CPU or the 160 channel
IPX master and other standard, semi-custom, or custom
I/O modules. These modules provide solid-state outputs
with the capability of dimming lights and allow the vehicle
user to preset 4 different scenes.
The modules provide power fusing, switching, and
distribution. Switching is accomplished via long life, field
effect transistors instead of relays. Four outputs are rated
at a maximum of 10 Amps and two outputs are rated at a
maximum of 20 Amps . The total module current is limited
by the“I squared rule”on the following page.
The approximate module dimensions are 3.80″ X 5.03″ X
1.80″ . It should be installed in a protected environment,
inside the vehicle.
The 937 module can be set for module addresses, A-P.
Using the chart on the next page, set the dip switches 1-4
to address the module.
The 937 modules provide the ability to dim lights from any
Intellitec multiplex keypad or momentary switch. This
module dims the lights using pulse width modulation or
PWM. Variable power is applied to the load by quickly
turning the power on and off. By varying the duty cycle we
can vary the intensity of the lamp.
Pressing and releasing the button quickly will cause the
output to toggle on or off. Pressing and holding the button
a second time will cause the intensity to begin ramping
down. When the button is released, the lamp will remain at
that intensity. The output will remember it’s last intensity
When using Intellitec programmable momentary push
button switches, a switch is set for the same multiplex
channel as the output. When the switch turns the channel
on, the output latches on. When the switch turns the
channel on again, the output latches off. Using the switch
programming GUI and setting a switch for BL/MR (back
light/Master Reset), instructs the module to turn all 6
outputs off when the switch is held for 3 seconds.